Why Are "Scientists", Atheists And Socialist Rabble Trying To Sell Us Lies/
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Planet Visitor II
2013-06-08 18:25:41 UTC
As a real capitalist, unlike most of you who sit around all day
collecting a government pension, working part time at Wal Mart or
fiddling with yourself in the toilet because you can't wear
clothes without an adult diaper, I work for a living and
contribute to society. Most of you think that the fact that you
are barely literate, can hunt-and-pick on a keyboard and turn on a
PC makes you some kind of super genius. A genius like Lord
Christopher Walter Monckton, who recently as life-long science
advisor to Lady Thatcher, reneged on their mutual suicide pact
beecause unlike her, he's really, really digging Dementia and
babbling like a lunatic.
Is it true that he's cured Graves Disease and AIDS, but fears
using the cure on himself?
Believe me, being of Blue Blooded lineage, he's in Hospital as we
speak with his fist up the arse of that foul old Greek husband to
our Queen as we speak. Someone needs to ensure that the shit
doesn't fall on the floor.
You appear deeply troubled, my young friend. Take a tranquilizer,
because there is nothing you can do about anything you're ranting
about, and it will only damage your cardiovascular system.

Yours, in concern...

Planet Visitor II
2013-06-10 07:14:50 UTC
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